Tried and True Tuesday

Teachers are the source of many tried and true teaching tips! This is a weekly linky party where you share your own teaching tips. Then you come back and link up your blog post at the bottom of this post using the InLinkz linky tool. Then of course visit the other blogs to learn more teaching tips to make you a better teacher!

Classroom management and reward systems are one thing that I love creating for my classroom. I love focusing on positive reinforcement to help my students make great choices every single day. This year I have chosen to incorporate ClassDojo into my 2nd grade classroom. I’ve used this in the past but decided since it’s monster theme, it fits perfectly with my classroom and I would use it full time! I decided to use ClassDojo for a storage tool where I can keep track of points earned and lost for different behaviors in my classroom. The students and I came up with the different things we earn points for in our classroom and also came up with those things that cause us to lose points for poor choices. Did I mention that each of my parents have created their own log ins and are can track their child’s behavior? Best. Part. Ever.
At the end of the week I take the number of points earned by each student and I pay them with Dojo Dollars. These dollars are saved and then turned in for items available in my class store. My students love class store because not only do they find great goodies like candy, toys, pencils, etc. but they also find reward coupons. The reward coupons are more popular than the tangible prizes available (all donated by parents).These coupons are great to include because if you are on a budget, they don’t cost you a single dime! We love free, don’t we?
I organize my class store with a door hanging shoe organizer. I then laminated and attached price tags on each pocket. I like the pockets being clear, that way the students can see the prizes when they are choosing. This has been one of my favorite teaching tips yet with classroom management. I’ve been in school for 6 weeks now, and it has been very successful. I know it can be for you too. If you want to check out my Classroom Reward System pack that includes all this that I’ve talked about, click on the link to my TPT store. I hope you enjoyed this teaching tip and go and try something new today!


  1. I have never used Class Dojo before. I had a class store a few years ago, but was able to stop using it because the kids weren't as interested in the prizes. I love the idea of hanging your prizes in a shoe organizer over your door! Right now I am using one of those to store extra pencils, erasers, sharpeners and other little things I give the kids!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

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